Training Independent Learners in Your Homeschool

Training Independent Learners in Your Homeschool

When I found out I was pregnant with twins, I was shocked. No, scratch that. "Overwhelmed" would be the more appropriate term. I remember blubbering, "I'm not supposed to have twins. I already have two kids!" (Not to mention my #2 was at a particularly challenging...

Choosing an Elementary Homeschool Science Curriculum

Choosing an Elementary Homeschool Science Curriculum

Feeling a bit lost about the best way to teach science to elementary-level homeschoolers? You aren’t alone. It’s not exactly a “fun” task to figure out what curriculum to choose and how to best help your young student learn. But never fear! Science is a fantastic...

21 Youth Bible Study Videos for High School Teens & Young Adults

21 Youth Bible Study Videos for High School Teens & Young Adults

In our current social-media-crazed world, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the likes, comments, reels, and apps that fill our devices. Teens so often find their value and worth through the internet, and as parents, we need to bring their focus back to their ultimate...

31 Fun Homeschool Science Experiments That Your Kids Will Love

31 Fun Homeschool Science Experiments That Your Kids Will Love

There’s nothing quite like homeschool science experiments to bring the entire family together. Maybe your child is a born academic, or maybe they're the type of kid who resists more traditional education. Either way, it's a rare child who can resist an educational...

12 Must-Have Homeschool Chemistry Supplies

12 Must-Have Homeschool Chemistry Supplies

Have you ever wanted to cook fun food or do a crazy science experiment with your child only to find that you’re missing an ingredient or tool? This happens to me far too often, and it’s SO frustrating! I love being spontaneous and creative with learning, but I always...

3 Types of Rocks: Differences and Examples of Each

3 Types of Rocks: Differences and Examples of Each

“Look Mom, I found a rock!” Me: “Wow! That’s a nice rock!” In reality, it looks like an ordinary rock to me, but my child is excited about it, so I’m going to be excited about it! To most of us, a rock is a rock, and different types of rocks are just distinguished by...

Teaching Kids About Seasons: An Easy, Educational Activity

Teaching Kids About Seasons: An Easy, Educational Activity

There are a lot of ways you can teach kids about the seasons of the year, but often we miss teaching them why there are seasons in the first place. What causes the changes in temperature and different weather patterns we see throughout the cycle of the year? This...

7 Easy Homeschool Biology Experiments for High School Students

7 Easy Homeschool Biology Experiments for High School Students

Ah, biology. One of my favorite subjects in high school (second to chemistry!) Growing up in the country, it was easy to explore science right outside in our backyard. Throughout the school year, our hands-on activities included gardening, cracking open fresh chicken...

Binoculars vs. Telescope: Which Is Better for Astronomy?

Binoculars vs. Telescope: Which Is Better for Astronomy?

Have you ever taken a pair of binoculars and looked directly into the sun? No? Just me? As my mom used to say, “Stop it, you’re going to go BLIND!” (Good news, my vision is still perfect. Sorry, Mom.) Both binoculars and telescopes are widely known tools used to, put...

How to Do Homeschool Biology and Science Labs

How to Do Homeschool Biology and Science Labs

I think I can safely say that science labs are a necessity when homeschooling. When it comes to biology, chemistry, physics, and other upper-level science courses, the hands-on aspect of these sciences will propel your high school student to a higher level of...



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