Our high school science courses are designed to teach your student in a way that keeps them engaged and allows them to develop independence. From ages 14-18, students are spreading their “independence” wings—and it’s time for them to fly. They now have the higher-level thinking skills to draw connections among completely unrelated concepts.
At the forefront of our Level C curriculum is college- and life-preparedness. Your students are now capable of speaking fluent science. Fluent Bible. Fluent, adult-level thought (ahem…regardless of their decision-making abilities, which won’t mature for another decade).
At Journey Homeschool Academy, our curriculum encourages critical thinking skills and independence. We believe when you raise the bar by providing opportunities like writing real lab reports (vs. fill-in-the-blank worksheets) and projects that require multiple steps, your student will take pride in rising to the occasion.
In our Level C courses, your students will take concepts they’ve learned via the lessons, compare them, and then apply their new knowledge to solve new problems. We’ve paired our solid, rigorous academic curriculum with rich visuals to engage students on a deeper level. We employ both video and well-illustrated graphics to help science come alive!
Check out our courses for…

high school
Our goal for Level C/high school courses is to give your students the independence and skills to back up whatever future they choose.
Explore Our High School Courses: