How To Teach Creation & Astronomy Together

As Christians, we want to integrate our faith into every area of our lives. That means incorporating a biblical worldview into everything we do … including teaching our children about the solar system!

But how can we best do this? The Bible doesn’t explicitly mention Mars, space travel, or a man walking on the moon. We know that God is the maker of the stars and planets. We know that he created everything for his own glory. But how can we use this knowledge to teach astronomy to our kids?

Let’s take a look!

Teach Creation and Astronomy Together

Why Teach Creation and Astronomy Together?

When you’re trying to incorporate a biblical worldview into your homeschool day, sometimes that desire naturally spills over into your teaching. Some subjects (like math!) may require a bit more effort. Fortunately, the subject of astronomy naturally lends itself to a discussion of the origins of the earth. And when you believe that God is the author of life and the creator of the stars, this can provide a helpful jumping-off point for teaching creation and astronomy together.

When To Teach Astronomy

Astronomy & Creation Hands-on Project

We believe there’s no wrong time to teach astronomy to your children! Elementary children thrive on hands-on activities that let them explore creation with their senses. Older children may use notebooking journals to draw what they see in the night sky. Older children may also write about the changes they observe from week to week throughout the year.

How To Teach Creation and Astronomy Together

There are countless ways to pair astronomy with a robust understanding of creation. Here are just a few ways.

Use the Bible To Teach Astronomy

Scripture is filled with references to the stars and the heavens. From Psalm 19, which states that the heavens declare the glory of God to the star of Bethlehem by which the wise men navigated, the Bible is replete with references to the night sky. You can even encourage your children to write down verses they find in their regular Bible reading that refer to God as creator. They can also write verses that refer to the heavens and the stars.

Use the Night Sky as an Opportunity for Family Worship

Creation Astronomy Hands-on Learning while Stargazing

Try sleeping outside under the stars one summer night and reflecting on just how big God is and how small and insignificant we are. Looking at the stars (whether with a naked eye or with a telescope) can inspire everyone in the family to worship the Lord for His magnificence and creativity. It can also remind us that God chooses to use us in his world even though he certainly didn’t have to do so!

Teach Astronomy Using the Rhythms of Everyday Life

As we live our daily schedule with our families, our lives naturally take a certain rhythm. The sun rises and sets in the evening – those are two great times to talk about God’s creation through astronomy. Summer and winter solstices along with spring and autumnal equinoxes present these opportunities as well. Even the length of the days, the months, and the year revolve heavily around astronomy and God’s created order. These are all fabulous opportunities to discuss God’s design and how he ordained the rotations and revolutions of the earth.

Teaching Creation and Astronomy Together

Teach Creation and Astronomy Together With Experience Astronomy!

Experience Astronomy was designed to help you and your children explore the solar system together (without you having to become an astronomer yourself). In these courses, we take an in-depth look at the ways God reveals Himself to us through His creation. Astronomy videos, outdoor observation, reading, engaging activities, and quizzes are combined to provide a foundation of hands-on learning.

Get more information about our astronomy courses (and other science courses) for elementary, middle school, and high school students. Here, you can take a look at our sample astronomy lessons and enter your email address to be notified when registration for these courses is open! While you wait for open enrollment, here’s a creation astronomy video to get you started!

Get your kids excited about science with engaging, faith-based curriculum.

Take lesson planning off your plate! Journey Homeschool Academy’s multi-sensory approach makes science interesting with flexible, engaging lessons without sacrificing a rigorous academic education.

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