Have you always wanted to learn more about astronomy? This free, fun 8-week course is fun for both kids and adults alike, and you’ll learn plenty along the way! All you need is a backyard, a clear sky…and our free Summer Stargazing for families course!
The days and evenings of summer always seem to fly by — and often without any meaningful connection with our kids. We’re left standing in the swirling brown leaves of the fall wondering where the time went. It’s easy to let the time slip away, when we’re not intentional.
We can make this summer different.

Free Online Astronomy Course
This course is for the whole family: moms, dads, teens, and little kids will all learn something about astronomy and easily be able to follow along with simple, step-by-step (and entertaining) instructions.
What is included in this course?
When you sign up, you’ll receive one short video every week. You’ll be giving your family the opportunity to…
- Hear super-simple step-by-step instructions for finding stars and other lights in the sky (so easy, even your littles will be able to do it)
- Learn folklore from around the world about the stars
- Find out what the center of our own galaxy looks like—and how to find it without a telescope
- Explore how ancient Greek heroes used the sky to navigate—and how you can do the same
- Demonstrate how the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19)
- Give your family a front row seat to the best meteor shower of the year—learn when to see it, how to prepare for it, and what to look for
- Teach you what the Disney movie Moana has to do with the stars (“you’re welcome!”)
Be sure to check out our full year science courses!