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    Co-Op Levels B & C

    Journey Homeschool Academy’s Level B+C courses offer older students a strong academic learning experience that keeps them engaged all year long. When you register your co-op with JHA you’ll receive access to the complete course experience for use with your students, including…
    Engaging video lectures you can use in-class, so you don’t have to be the “fount of all knowledge” for your students. Our instructional videos allow you to learn alongside your students as a facilitator and learning peer. Want to watch the videos before class and simply replicate our teaching methods yourself? That’s great! It’s 100% your choice.
    Facilitator’s guide for pacing the curriculum over the course of one year. We provide a course schedule, recommendations for what to actually do in each class session, and recommended take-home assignments for your students.
    Student dashboard to help students who have to miss an in-class session, so they can watch the same material and keep up with the course. That means empowering students while giving instructors a break from mitigating student absences!
    Labs, activities, or observation assignments with downloadable guide
    Downloadable guidebook for taking notes on course material
    Reading assignments that correlate with each lesson from textbooks or other outside sources

    Weekly Quizzes + Periodic Exams + Homework Assignments
     Instructors can download quizzes and other assignments to assign to students then grade quickly with the helpful answer keys we provide.

    Our Level B Co-op Courses Include:

    Our Level C Co-op Courses Include:

    How does Co-Op pricing work?

    Each co-op pays a flat fee per group of $150. In addition they pay a per student fee based on which course you are enrolling students in.

    Experience Astronomy (Level B)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $99.00

    Earth Science Explored (Level B)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $99.00

    Physical Science Explored (Level B)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $99.00

    Experience Astronomy (Level C)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $147.00

    Experience Biology (Level C)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $147.00

    Experience Chemistry (Level C)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $147.00

    Physics (Level C)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $147.00

    Physical Science Explored (Level C)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $147.00

    Equipped (Level C)

    FLAT GROUP FEE: $150.00

    + PER STUDENT FEE: $99.00

    For example, if your co-op is enrolling 5 students in Experience Biology Level C, you pay the flat rate of $150 plus $147 x 5, which comes out to $885.

    If you need more information—or if you’re ready to get started—use the form below to contact us.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do we need to watch the videos and complete lessons on specific weeks?

    For Biology & Equipped:
    No, however the lessons should be watched in order over the course of 35 weeks.

    For Astronomy:
    Yes, the videos follow what’s going on in the sky. In the Facilitator Guide, you’ll have a list of what lessons correspond with which weeks. The course runs from the first week of September through the end of May and takes 3 weeks off during the Christmas holiday.

    What should we do if we don’t meet all 35 weeks the course runs?

    For Biology & Equipped:
    We’ve tried to make this easy for your class even if you don’t meet each of the 35 weeks. Each student will have a login of their own with access to the videos.

    When there’s a week you can’t meet (or a student is sick) assign the appropriate video and corresponding observation and reading assignments.

    For Astronomy:
    Because the videos and assignments follow what’s going on in the sky, it’s very important to stay on schedule with the lessons. We’ve tried to make this easy for your class even if you don’t meet each of the 35 weeks.


    Each student will have a login of their own with access to the videos. When there’s a week you can’t meet (or a student is sick) assign the appropriate video and corresponding observation and reading assignments.

    Is the textbook required?

    We highly recommended your students complete textbook reading, however our courses can be completed without the use of a textbook and for some classes (like Biology) you could use another textbook altogether.

    How long do we have access to the course?

    You’ll have access to the course for 1 year from the date your co-op begins the course.

    What grade/age is this course for?

    The Level B course is geared towards students age 11-14 (or middle school).

    Our Level C courses are designed for high school credit and are geared towards students ages 14-19. 

    We recommend using our Level A courses for students younger than 11.

    Are there minimum or maximum student requirements?

    Our co-op courses are designed for a minimum of 4 students who are regularly meeting together. There are no set maximums.

    Have younger students in your co-op?



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