How to Keep Your High Schooler Engaged in Homeschool Science

“We’re going to dissect THAT?”

It was time for our weekly homeschool science class, and I had just learned that we would be cutting into a large frog (previously deceased, of course). Talk about hands-on high school science! Although this learning style might be a little more gruesome than one would expect, I distinctly remember enjoying science more because of this dissection lab.

Homeschooling parents often struggle with how to make homeschooling more interesting for their high school students. I’m here to tell you that you can make every subject engaging and full of learning, including science!

Keep Homeschool Students Engaged in Science

5 Tips for Keeping Homeschool Science Engaging But Effective

Your high schooler can have just as much fun in science class as I did!

1. Give your high schooler the chance to learn on their own.

Ah, the high school years. It’s the age of trying to find independence while still living with mom and dad. This can often bleed into homeschooling, especially when your child is home with you all hours of the day. To keep your high schooler engaged in homeschool science, let them be more independent with it! Give them the directions for an experiment and then let them do it—without looking over their shoulder.

When given some freedom to learn on their terms (with the boundaries of the instructions guiding them), your teen will likely find science more engaging and fun!

2. Include others!

Homeschool Students Engaging Science Curriculum

Just as important as it is to let your high schooler learn independently, you can make high school science fun and engaging by including other homeschoolers! I have distinct, fond memories of gathering each week with my peers to attend field trips, dissect fetal pigs, and laugh at each other in our giant safety goggles.

Whether it’s in the form of weekly co-ops or just the occasional group trip to a nature center, integrating other homeschool families into your high schooler’s education will keep them engaged and excited to learn.

3. Challenge them to step out of their comfort zone.

Easy school is the best kind of school, right? I disagree. When my brother attended public high school for the first time, he couldn’t believe how easy it was. He frequently commented on how bored he was, and rather than encouraging him to work hard and learn, the ease of his schooling promoted boredom and laziness. He wanted the challenging material!

There will be easy days as a homeschool family; that is perfectly normal! But, if you start to notice that your high school student is bored during science and finishing their lessons at record speed, that’s a good sign that you need to challenge them more! Adding lab reports to science experiments or research papers about famous scientists are some great ways to challenge your student academically.

4. Read a little less, and experience a little more.

Homeschool Students Hands on Science

If there’s one thing I remember about being a high school student, it was the reading—and there was so much of it. As someone with a visual learning style, hands-on activities gave me the greatest learning potential. Yes, textbooks are beneficial and often necessary, but when paired with field trips, experiments, labs, YouTube videos, etc., science can be both learning-filled and fun!

An additional bonus feature of science is that we are surrounded by it every day! From the food we prepare to the ever-changing sky right in your backyard, our daily lives are perfect opportunities for hands-on science. As a homeschool family, consider your open environment to be an advantage. Your high schooler isn’t trapped in the confines of a classroom; science can be learned and practiced anywhere you choose, including the simplicities of everyday life.

5. Use engaging homeschool curriculum!

Unfortunately, most science curriculums don’t exactly catch the eye of homeschooling parents. You can improve on your current science course by branching out beyond the textbook and giving your high school student increased independence as they learn. Or, if you want a curriculum that already accomplishes both, explore the high school science courses at Journey Homeschool Academy. This homeschool curriculum offers grade-level courses that will teach your student while keeping them engaged and independent.

High school science shouldn’t be boring. Every student needs to have a jaw-dropping frog dissection moment, right? So, give your high schooler just that!

How to Keep Highschool Students Engages in Homeschool Science

Get your kids excited about science with engaging, faith-based curriculum.

Take lesson planning off your plate! Journey Homeschool Academy’s multi-sensory approach makes science interesting with flexible, engaging lessons without sacrificing a rigorous academic education.

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