Extracurricular STEM Activities for Homeschooled Students: Clubs, Competitions, and More

As we all know, the foundation of homeschooling sits in the name itself: home school. Before homeschooling became as popular as it is now, most homeschooled students did the majority of their learning at home. This included the basic subjects, life skills, recess, science “fairs” – all of it! However, this has changed over time, with more families turning to extracurricular STEM activities to supplement their student’s at-home learning.

STEM Activities for Homeschoolers

But when it comes to finding these extracurricular STEM activities for homeschooled students, where do you even look? There are so many great clubs, competitions, and more that are available to homeschoolers, it’s just a matter of finding them! To get you started, we’ve done the research and have some wonderful ideas for you and your homeschooled student.

But First, Why Extracurriculars?

If you have yet to branch out into the world of extracurricular STEM activities for your homeschooled student, you may be wondering why we’re even recommending you do so! Perhaps you’re already settled into a nice groove at home and don’t see a need for anything “extra.” And we totally get that! However, we challenge you to consider the benefits of participating in an extracurricular or two and see how your student does with it.

Extra curricular STEM activities

For the introverts in your home, extracurriculars are an excellent way to encourage social interaction. And for the extroverts, these activities will only help them thrive and feel energized! In addition to the social aspect, extracurricular activities promote:

  • Character development
  • Confidence
  • A sense of importance in the community
  • Academic performance (especially in extroverts)
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork

5 Extracurricular STEM Activities for Homeschooled Students

Extra curricular activities for homeschoolers

Note: Depending on where you live, not all of these options may be available to you. However, we’ve made sure to offer at least a few options that most homeschooled families should be able to access!

Local Library or Community Center Clubs

Libraries are often hidden gems within the community. Aside from offering a wealth of books, many libraries and community centers offer clubs surrounding certain interests (e.g., robotics, computers, Legos, chess, etc.). In the spring, our local library hosts a few gardening events that encourage younger children to grow their own vegetables. Opportunities like this are super easy to jump into and require little time commitment.

4-H Clubs

If you’ve ever heard of 4-H, you’ve probably thought of it in the context of raising animals at the county fair. While this is true (and awesome!), 4-H is so much more than that. Existing in all 50 states, 4-H encourages the development of young people in just about every aspect of life. This includes STEM activities such as cooking, engineering, computers, and more.

Through the competition side of 4-H, your student will build their character. And through the collaboration side of 4-H, your student will learn to work with their peers while contributing to the community.

Find your local 4-H organization here!


Not everyone enjoys competitions, but for the math and science fanatics in your home, STEM-focused competitions are a great way to challenge your homeschooled student’s learning. Below are a few national clubs that we have found, but your individual state likely has even more options!

USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)

Science Olympiad

You Be the Chemist Challenge

Noetic Learning Math Contest

3M Young Scientist Challenge

Summer Camps

Summer is a great time to participate in extracurricular STEM activities, since many homeschoolers are taking a “break” from school for a few months. Organizations like the YMCA offer amazing STEM programs that you can choose from based on your student’s interests.

Doing a quick Google search for local STEM summer camps near you will pull up a ton of options specific to your state and region. Check with zoos, nature reserves, and children’s museums. Local colleges and universities might offer summertime options for homeschoolers as well, or they might be able to point you to other resources.

Science Museums and Field Trips

Being a part of a homeschool group or co-op will make this extracurricular even more fun for your homeschooled student, but it’s not necessary! Science museums are prime locations for STEM learning, and many will offer summer camps like mentioned above. Your student will be able to interact with other kids their age, in addition to exploring a wide range of STEM activities.

Use this easy tool to find a science museum near you!

Pair Your Extracurricular STEM Activities With a High-Quality Curriculum

Homeschool STEM curriculum

Participating in extracurricular activities will help bring STEM concepts to life. At Journey Homeschool Academy, this is what we seek to do through our online science curriculum! STEM shouldn’t be all textbooks and tests, and our curriculum options bring engaged learning back into science. Pair your student’s coursework with one of the extracurricular STEM activities above, and you’ve got a perfect match for science success!

STEM Activities for Homeschool Students


Get your kids excited about science with engaging, faith-based curriculum.

Take lesson planning off your plate! Journey Homeschool Academy’s multi-sensory approach makes science interesting with flexible, engaging lessons without sacrificing a rigorous academic education.

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