Elementary-Level Books About Astronomy
This is a list of over 40 books on astronomy that we use and recommend for students in our Experience Astronomy: Elementary homeschool science program. These books about astronomy are ideal for the young reader who wants to learn more about space and range from general to specific topics about planets, constellations, and more.
Books on a Budget
Before making any purchases, we recommend seeing if any of these books are available at your local library or through interlibrary loan.
We’ve created a spreadsheet you can access here to help you know what books are available through open sources (Hoopla, Open Library, and on Youtube as read alouds).
Experience Astronomy Elementary: Reading List
Below is the list of books on astronomy recommended for the Experience Astronomy: Elementary program listed in order of which lesson they are used in. It is not necessary to read every book in this list, and parents should choose astronomy books to read that are most fitting to how they’re using the course at home. Some are for younger readers, others for older readers, and most would make excellent read-alouds for elementary astronomy.
Please note:
- Many books are repeated through several lessons
- Consult the supplemental guides for each lesson or the Student Adventure Guide to know the relevant pages in each book.
Elementary Astronomy Books Listed in Alphabetical Order
A New Beginning: Celebrating the Spring Equinox, by Wendy Pfeffer (for northern hemisphere students)
A Walk Through the Heavens: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (4th edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion (for northern hemisphere students)
A Walk Through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (3rd edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion (for southern hemisphere students)
Ancient Mesopotamia, by Allison Lassieur
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Beyond Pluto: The Final Frontier of Space (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths
The Earth (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Earth: Our Planet in Space, by Seymour Simon
Exploring Exoplanets, by Deborah Kops
Galaxies (True Books: Space), by Howard K. Trammel
The Heavens Proclaim His Glory, edited by Lisa Stilwell
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World, by Virginia Hamilton
Jupiter (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
The Librarian who Measured the Earth, by Kathryn Lasky
The Library of Constellations: Orion, by Stephanie True Peters
The Library of Constellations: The Big Dipper, by Stephanie True Peters (for northern hemisphere students)
The Longest Day: Celebrating the Summer Solstice, by Wendy Pfeffer (for northern hemisphere students)
Mars (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Mercury (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Meteors (Space Science), by Simon Rose
Mission Control, This is Apollo, by Andrew Chaikin and Alan Bean
The Moon (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Moonfinder, by Jay Ryan
Moontellers: Myths of the Moon from Around the World, by Lynn Moroney
Neptune (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
The New Astronomy Book, by Danny R. Faulkner
Nicolaus Copernicus: The Earth Is a Planet, by Dennis Brindell Fradin
Once Upon a Starry Night, by Jacqueline Mitton and Christina Balit
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Pluto: From Planet to Dwarf (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
The Reasons for the Seasons, by Gail Gibbons
Saturn (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Solar and Lunar Eclipses, by Ruth Owen
Sun Up, Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night, by Jacqui Bailey and Matthew Lilly
The Shortest Day: Celebrating the Winter Solstice, by Wendy Pfeffer (for northern hemisphere students)
The Sun (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Tales of Ancient Egypt, by Roger Lancelyn Green
Tycho Brahe: Pioneer of Astronomy, by Don Nardo
Uranus (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Venus (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
We Gather Together: Celebrating the Harvest Season, by Wendy Pfeffer (for northern hemisphere students)
Where Am I? The Story of Maps and Navigation, by A.G. Smith
Why Does the Moon Change Shape, by Isaac Asimov
Elementary Astronomy Books Listed in Lesson Order
Lesson 1
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World, by Virginia Hamilton
Lesson 2
Sun Up, Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night, by Jacqui Bailey and Matthew Lilly
Tales of Ancient Egypt, by Roger Lancelyn Green
Lesson 3
The Reasons for the Seasons, by Gail Gibbons
The Shortest Day: Celebrating the Winter Solstice, by Wendy Pfeffer
The Longest Day: Celebrating the Summer Solstice, by Wendy Pfeffer
Lesson 4
Earth: Our Planet in Space, by Seymour Simon
We Gather Together: Celebrating the Harvest Season, by Wendy Pfeffer
A New Beginning: Celebrating the Spring Equinox, by Wendy Pfeffer
Lesson 5
Moonfinder, by Jay Ryan
Why Does the Moon Change Shape, by Isaac Asimov
Lesson 6
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
The Library of Constellations: Orion, by Stephanie True Peters
Lesson 7
Where Am I? The Story of Maps and Navigation, by A.G. Smith
The Library of Constellations: The Big Dipper, by Stephanie True Peters
A Walk Through the Heavens: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (4th edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion
A Walk Through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (2nd edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion
D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths
Lesson 8
Once Upon a Starry Night, by Jacqueline Mitton and Christina Balit
A Walk Through the Heavens: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (4th edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion
A Walk Through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (2nd edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion
Lesson 9
D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths
A Walk Through the Heavens: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (4th edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion
A Walk Through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends (2nd edition), by Milton D. Heifetz and Will Tirion
Lesson 10
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Ancient Mesopotamia, by Allison Lassieur
Lesson 11
Where Am I? The Story of Maps and Navigation, by A.G. Smith
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
The Librarian who Measured the Earth, by Kathryn Lasky
Lesson 12
Solar and Lunar Eclipses, by Ruth Owen
Lesson 13
Moontellers: Myths of the Moon from Around the World, by Lynn Moroney
Solar and Lunar Eclipses, by Ruth Owen
Lesson 14
Meteors (Space Science), by Simon Rose
Lesson 15
Nicolaus Copernicus: The Earth Is a Planet, by Dennis Brindell Fradin
Tycho Brahe: Pioneer of Astronomy, by Don Nardo
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 16
The Earth (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Lesson 17
The Moon (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Mission Control, This is Apollo, by Andrew Chaikin and Alan Bean
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 18
The Sun (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 19
Mercury (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 20
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Venus (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 21
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Mars (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau.
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 22
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 23
Jupiter (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 24
Saturn (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 25
Uranus (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 26
Neptune (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Astronomy (Eyewitness Books), by Kristen Lippincott
Lesson 27
Pluto: From Planet to Dwarf (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Beyond Pluto: The Final Frontier of Space (True Books: Space), by Elaine Landau
Our Solar System, by Seymour Simon
Lesson 28
The New Astronomy Book, by Danny R. Faulkner
Exploring Exoplanets, by Deborah Kops
Lesson 29
Galaxies (True Books: Space), by Howard K. Trammel
The New Astronomy Book, by Danny R. Faulkner
Lesson 30
The New Astronomy Book, by Danny R. Faulkner
The Heavens Proclaim His Glory, edited by Lisa Stilwell
We hope you enjoy these books about space for elementary students. They are some of our favorite astronomy books to read with our kids! If you aren’t sure where to get started, The Reasons for the Seasons is a fun overview of how the Earth’s position determines the seasons, Why Does the Moon Change Shape? dives into the Moon, and the True Books: Space series by Elaine Landau are great read-alouds about space and the planets.