Equipped! Tools for Exploring the Bible

A Bible survey class that will give your teen the tools they need to read and understand the Bible. 

What’s the most important skill your child needs before leaving home?

Parents can be borderline obsessive about their teen graduating…

  • Have they taken enough science?
  • Are they “well rounded”?
  • How about volunteer hours?

…but the question you should probably be thinking about has nothing to do with what your teen KNOWS, and everything to do with what they believe.

The skill your teen needs, more than any other, is this:

The ability to not just read the Bible, but to understand it.


What’s the most important skill your child needs before leaving home?

Parents can be borderline obsessive about their teen graduating…

  • Have they taken enough science?
  • Are they “well rounded”?
  • How about volunteer hours?

…but the question you should probably be thinking about has nothing to do with what your teen KNOWS, and everything to do with what they believe.

The skill your teen needs, more than any other, is this:

The ability to not just read the Bible, but to understand it.

Most Bible courses focus on stories. Events. Details.

But without understanding the context the books of the Bible were written in, will your teen really grasp the beauty and depth of scripture?


…a fully supported Bible program that builds a habit of being in the Word every day

…engaging discussion that brings Bible events to life, and helps your teen see them as relevant and important

…video lessons that don’t just teach “what the Bible says,” but how to read the Bible, so they enter adulthood with practical skills to support their faith—for a lifetime

Sound too good to be true?

Not anymore.


The high school Bible curriculum that gives your teen the tools, techniques, and context for exploring the Christian faith not as children, but as young adults.

How does it work?

Incorporating Equipped! into your teen’s weekly study schedule is simple, and almost hands-off for parents.

Your teen will:

Log in to the online classroom to watch two teaching videos each week. Take notes in the student guidebook to cement new learning.

Use the daily Bible reading guide for short, easy-to-digest pieces of scripture that exemplify the week’s teaching.

Add events to the year-long timeline or maps to see how New Testament events relate to significant historical events

Answer weekly discussion questions to help your teen think more deeply about what they’re studying.

…and YOU can keep track of your teen’s progress with reports in your parent dashboard from weekly quizzes.

Equipped was the answer to my prayer for a Bible Study program we could use in our homeschool.

The Bible teaching was thorough and well organized — it was fantastic! I appreciated the “big picture” approach to teaching the New Testament. 

Deanna H.

Mom of Equipped Student

What’s Included in the Course?

2 engaging video lessons each week that walk your student through each book of the New Testament so they will understand how to study the Bible as literature and understand the major themes in each book

Student guidebook that will assist your student in grasping the important concepts, help them learn new terms, and assist in note-taking

A timeline your students will fill in, so they can see significant Biblical events alongside historical events

Online graded quizzes and exams, so you can take a break from correcting your teen’s work

Maps your student will fill in so your teen can visualize the journeys of Jesus and the apostles

Discussion questions to help your teen think more deeply about the Scripture and how it applies to their life

A weekly reading plan to help your student stay on track each day of the week as they read and study through the Bible.

Join the Equipped! class and your teen will experience faith from a whole new perspective.

Enroll Today!

Through Equipped! I’ve learned a lot of new information about books of the Bible I’ve read and books I previously knew nothing about…

I Iike Mr. Luke’s engaging teaching style. Not only have I learned a lot in this course, but for the first time I’m nearly finished reading the entire New Testament!


Equipped Student

About your instructor

Hi, I’m Luke. Since 2001 I have been teaching young people about the Bible. My masters education at Reformed Theological Seminary deepened my passion for teaching the Bible rightly. I believe teens can be equipped with tools to study the Bible themselves and grow in their personal faith in Jesus for the rest of their lives. Enroll below, and I’ll see your teen this Fall.

My teen boys weren’t picking up their Bibles anymore on their own…

It was “boring” compared to other reading. Now, Equipped is the first thing they request to to do each week. We loved reading through the New Testament, the videos, and the notes were great for following along. Do this course together as a family. It’s worth the time.

Carrie V.

Mom of Equipped students

New Testament Survey

In this 35-week survey of the New Testament, your teen will learn…

The 5 important questions you need to ask for accurate interpretation of any Bible passage
Why the parables of Jesus are some of the most surprising stories in the Bible—especially to those who heard them for the first time
How the message of Jesus was so countercultural for its own day—and why it continues to be in our own
One person wrote more words in the New Testament than anyone else—and his perspective on Jesus will surprise you
Paul letters might feel random at first, but once you critically examine these texts, you’ll learn just how sharp, sarcastic—and entertaining—he can be
You can’t understand Jesus or the apostles without first understanding the Jewish world in which they lived—but then their message comes to life in an exciting way

and so much more!

The tools you need to interpret the Bible aren’t complicated…but once your teen learns them through this class, they’ll never look at the Bible the same way again.

You’ve got questions… we’ve got answers!

Can my student earn high school credit for this course?

Yes, you can list it on your student’s high school class as a Bible, literature, or elective class.

When is included in my purchase?

You’ll have access to all lessons along with PDF downloads of the student guidebook, curriculum guide, and answer keys. 

Should you want a physical copy of the guidebook or lab guide, those are available for purchase in our store.

When does the course begin?

You’ll have immediate access to the course as soon as you register!

Since this course is self-paced, you, the parent, have control over when your student begins the course. You can start as soon as you register, or wait a few weeks or months. Beginning the course is as easy as pressing a button. Once you begin the course for your student, they will have one year to access the course.

How long will I have access to the course?

Your student will have access to the course for 1 year  — you choose when your student begins the course.

Does my child have to view the course videos on specific days?

No, the videos are recorded so your student can watch them whenever it’s convenient for them.

What additional books and supplies will I need?

A Bible in whatever translation you prefer. I’ll largely be quoting from the ESV throughout the course.

Do you have a Statement of Faith I can read?

Yes, you can check it out here.

Do you offer options to use this in a Co-Op?

We offer co-op pricing for groups of 4 or more who have designated a single instructor/ facilitator. Co-op courses are designed for groups that are meeting at least weekly. 

Our co-op courses are set up differently than our family programs to accommodate groups. You can learn more about our co-op courses here

Please note: because of the way our group programs are set up, we are not able to communicate with individual parents of students within co-ops.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a 100% money-back, happiness guarantee within 30 days of the course start date OR 6 months from purchase date (whichever is less). Simply email us and we’ll give you a full refund.

My son took your course as a senior and I included it on his high school transcript.

He was accepted to all the schools to which he applied. Regardless whether schools weigh the credits or not, I consider it an imperative study for success as a student advances into higher education. This now retired homeschool mom thanks you!

Laura C.

Homeschool Mom

I was concerned enrolling my kids in the course wouldn’t be a good use of our financial resources…

However, by my estimate, each week’s lesson costs just a few dollars per week—an excellent value!

– Tammy

We have a Fabulous Fit Promise. We want this course to be a fabulous fit for your family. Based on our parent and student feedback, we think you will be.

However, we offer a 100% money-back, happiness guarantee within 30 days of the course start date OR 6 months from purchase date (whichever is less).

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