
Earth science is more than just rocks! In Earth Science Explored Level B (for 11-14 year olds) your student will learn about geology, weather, natural disasters, oceans, resources, seasons, and fossils! 

We’ll start the year exploring how different types of rock are formed. Your student will discover the power behind volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Students will also be exposed to the majesty of auroras and meteors. They’ll examine why we have seasons, how we can predict the weather, and where fossils came from. Earth Science is about learning how we can worship God by harnessing the raw materials of this planet in a responsible way.

The preview below includes a video introduction to Lesson 1, plus the full content of Lesson 23—so you can get a feel for how your student will experience this course.

Lesson 1: What is Earth Science?

Get ready to take an exciting journey as we explore the Earth together — from the oceans, to the rocks, to weather patterns, to volcanos, to earthquakes, and more!

Lesson 23: Unearthing Rocks

Where do the winds come from? Why are some days calm with hardly a breeze, while others are filled with huge gusts of wind? Why are some areas breezy most days of the year, where other areas are not? In this lesson, we’ll be exploring how global air patterns impact the weather around the globe.


Students will have a lab or activity to give them a hands-on opportunity to experience the concepts presented in the lessons. Many weeks, students will also have lab videos to walk them through the activity

Lesson 23: Land & Sea Breeze Exploration

In this lab, we’re going to test how quickly land and water both heat and cool when they are exposed to the sun’s energy.

Comprehension Quizzes

Each week students have a comprehension quiz that’s auto-magically graded. They can use the results from this quiz to help them go back and study areas they’re weak in.

Ready to Explore Earth Science?

To get more information and enroll, visit our Earth Science Explored (Level B) info page.

*Lab & Activity Manual and Student Guidebook are provided as a pdf download with the purchase of the course.

Ready to Explore Earth Science?

To get more information and enroll, visit our Earth Science Explored info page.


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