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Journey Homeschool Academy is something that is far above everything else that we’ve ever seen — any kind of book curriculum, any other Christian curriculum, as far as science. The way they have managed it has just been absolutely engaging and wonderful for all the ages in our family. ”  

Alisa Morford
Homeschool Mother of 9, Utah

My kids love Earth Science Explored. It has made them logical thinkers and given them confidence in their ability to learn science. As a mom, it has equipped me to be a better teacher to my children. ”  

Jenni Early
Homeschool Mother of 6

My son now asks for science — it’s not a chore. The content is really perfect, open-and-go with a solid, faith-based curriculum. The videos are engaging and not too long.” 

Auburn Giberson

Journey Homeschool Courses

Thousands of homeschooling parents struggle to teach science every year — and many quit altogether. But that doesn’t have to be you!

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It’s time to stop stressing about science…

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